发布时间:2024-11-27 09:31:54
本内容由, 集智官方收集发布,仅供参考学习,不代表集智官方赞同其观点或证实其内容的真实性准确性,请勿用于商业用途。
标题 | 类型 | 中文分词 | 拼音 | 英文翻译 | 英文分词 | 是否为热点 | 消极|积极|中性 | 关联词汇 |
【国际视野】“联合国防治沙尘暴十年”时间确定 | 国际 | 【|国际|视野|】|“|联合国|防治|沙尘暴|十年|”|时间|确定 | 【|guo|ji|shi|ye|】“|lian|he|guo|fang|zhi|sha|chen|bao|shi|nian|”|shi|jian|que|ding | 【International Perspective】The time of "UN Ten Years of Sandstorm Prevention and Control" is determined | 【|International| |Perspective|】|The| |time| |of| |"|UN| |Ten| |Years| |of| |Sandstorm| |Prevention| |and| |Control|"| |is| |determined| | True | 积极 | 联合国|防治沙尘暴|十年|时间确定 |
央视点名表扬林孝埈以梦为马不负此生! | 体育 | 央视|点名|表扬|林|孝|埈|以|梦|为|马|不负|此生|! | yang|shi|dian|ming|biao|yang|lin|xiao|jun|yi|meng|wei|ma|bu|fu|ci|sheng|! | CCTV named and praised Lin Xiaoyu for taking his dream as a horse to live up to this life! | CCTV| |named| |and| |praised| |Lin| |Xiaoyu| |for| |taking| |his| |dream| |as| |a| |horse| |to| |live| |up| |to| |this| |life|!| | True | 积极 | 体育新闻|央视|林孝埈|以梦为马|不负此生 |
上合组织正式接收白俄罗斯为成员国 | 国际 | 上合|组织|正式|接收|白俄罗斯|为|成员国 | shang|he|zu|zhi|zheng|shi|jie|shou|bai|e|luo|si|wei|cheng|yuan|guo | SCO officially accepts Belarus as a member | SCO| |officially| |accepts| |Belarus| |as| |a| |member| | True | 积极 | 上合组织|白俄罗斯|成员国|加入 |
中国已成为全球最大的体育用品出口国 | 国内 | 中国|已|成为|全球|最大|的|体育用品|出口国 | zhong|guo|yi|cheng|wei|quan|qiu|zui|da|de|ti|yu|yong|pin|chu|kou|guo | China has become the world's largest exporter of sporting goods | China| |has| |become| |the| |world|'|s| |largest| |exporter| |of| |sporting| |goods| | True | 积极 | 体育用品出口|全球最大|中国 |
亚行启动五年战略助斐济提高经济和气候韧性 | 国际 | 亚行|启动|五年|战略|助|斐济|提高|经济|和|气候|韧性 | ya|xing|qi|dong|wu|nian|zhan|lve|zhu|fei|ji|ti|gao|jing|ji|he|qi|hou|ren|xing | ADB launches five-year strategy to help Fiji improve economic and climate resilience | ADB| |launches| |five|-|year| |strategy| |to| |help| |Fiji| |improve| |economic| |and| |climate| |resilience| | False | 积极 | 亚行|五年战略|斐济|经济|气候韧性 |
国乒调整WTT球星挑战赛参赛人员 | 体育 | 国乒|调整|WTT|球星|挑战赛|参赛|人员 | guo|ping|tiao|zheng|WTT|qiu|xing|tiao|zhan|sai|can|sai|ren|yuan | National Table Tennis Adjusts WTT Star Challenge Participants | National| |Table| |Tennis| |Adjusts| |WTT| |Star| |Challenge| |Participants| | True | 中性 | 国乒|WTT球星挑战赛|调整|参赛人员 |
男子一时想不开 还好民警没放弃 | 社会 | 男子|一时|想不开| |还好|民警|没|放弃 | nan|zi|yi|shi|xiang|bu|kai| |hai|hao|min|jing|mei|fang|qi | The man couldn't think about it for a while, but the police didn't give up | The| |man| |couldn|'|t| |think| |about| |it| |for| |a| |while|,| |but| |the| |police| |didn|'|t| |give| |up| | False | 中性 | 社会新闻|男子|想不开|民警|放弃 |
两部门联合发布2023年中国渔业生态环境状况公报 | 国内 | 两|部门|联合|发布|2023|年|中国|渔业|生态环境|状况|公报 | liang|bu|men|lian|he|fa|bu|2023|nian|zhong|guo|yu|ye|sheng|tai|huan|jing|zhuang|kuang|gong|bao | The two departments jointly released a bulletin on the state of China's fishery ecological environment in 2023 | The| |two| |departments| |jointly| |released| |a| |bulletin| |on| |the| |state| |of| |China|'|s| |fishery| |ecological| |environment| |in| |2023| | True | 中性 | 渔业生态环境|2023年|公报|两部门联合发布 |
8月份居民消费价格指数同比涨幅有所扩大 | 国内 | 8|月份|居民消费|价格指数|同比|涨幅|有所|扩大 | 8|yue|fen|ju|min|xiao|fei|jia|ge|zhi|shu|tong|bi|zhang|fu|you|suo|kuo|da | The year-on-year increase in the consumer price index in August expanded | The| |year|-|on|-|year| |increase| |in| |the| |consumer| |price| |index| |in| |August| |expanded| | True | 消极 | 居民消费价格指数|同比涨幅|扩大 |
中国队时隔10年重夺亚洲杯冠军 | 体育 | 中国队|时隔|10|年|重夺|亚洲杯|冠军 | zhong|guo|dui|shi|ge|10|nian|zhong|duo|ya|zhou|bei|guan|jun | Chinese team regains Asian Cup title after 10 years | Chinese| |team| |regains| |Asian| |Cup| |title| |after| |10| |years| | True | 积极 | 中国队|亚洲杯|冠军|时隔10年|体育新闻 |
75年来我国人民健康水平稳步提高 | 国内 | 75|年来|我国|人民|健康|水平|稳步|提高 | 75|nian|lai|wo|guo|ren|min|jian|kang|shui|ping|wen|bu|ti|gao | Over the past 75 years, the health of our people has steadily improved | Over| |the| |past| |75| |years|,| |the| |health| |of| |our| |people| |has| |steadily| |improved| | True | 积极 | 人民健康水平|稳步提高|75年 |
提振信心、加大帮扶……一揽子增量政策加快落地实施 | 国内 | 提振|信心|、|加大|帮扶|…|…|一揽子|增量|政策|加快|落地|实施 | ti|zhen|xin|xin|、|jia|da|bang|fu|……|yi|lan|zi|zeng|liang|zheng|ce|jia|kuai|luo|di|shi|shi | Boost confidence, increase assistance.. A package of incremental policies accelerates the implementation | Boost| |confidence|,| |increase| |assistance|..| |A| |package| |of| |incremental| |policies| |accelerates| |the| |implementation| | True | 积极 | 提振信心|加大帮扶|一揽子增量政策|落地实施 |
各地多措并举保障“菜篮子”量足价稳 “鲜”到餐桌 | 国内 | 各地|多措|并举|保障|“|菜篮子|”|量足|价稳| |“|鲜|”|到|餐桌 | ge|di|duo|cuo|bing|ju|bao|zhang|“|cai|lan|zi|”|liang|zu|jia|wen| “|xian|”|dao|can|zhuo | Various localities take multiple measures to ensure that the "vegetable basket" is in sufficient quantity and the price is stable and "fresh" to the table | Various| |localities| |take| |multiple| |measures| |to| |ensure| |that| |the| |"|vegetable| |basket|"| |is| |in| |sufficient| |quantity| |and| |the| |price| |is| |stable| |and| |"|fresh|"| |to| |the| |table| | True | 积极 | 菜篮子|量足价稳|保障|餐桌|多措并举 |
495万名“健康守门人”共同织起就医服务网 | 国内 | 495|万名|“|健康|守门人|”|共同|织起|就医|服务网 | 495|wan|ming|“|jian|kang|shou|men|ren|”|gong|tong|zhi|qi|jiu|yi|fu|wu|wang | 4.95 million "health gatekeepers" jointly organized a medical service network | 4.95| |million| |"|health| |gatekeepers|"| |jointly| |organized| |a| |medical| |service| |network| | True | 积极 | 健康守门人|就医服务网|495万名|共同织起 |
以色列总理将推迟前往纽约参加联合国大会 | 国际 | 以色列|总理|将|推迟|前往|纽约|参加|联合国大会 | yi|se|lie|zong|li|jiang|tui|chi|qian|wang|niu|yue|can|jia|lian|he|guo|da|hui | Israeli PM to delay trip to New York for UN General Assembly | Israeli| |PM| |to| |delay| |trip| |to| |New| |York| |for| |UN| |General| |Assembly| | True | 中性 | 以色列总理|推迟|联合国大会|纽约 |
伊朗总统向议会提交新内阁成员名单 | 国际 | 伊朗|总统|向|议会|提交|新内阁|成员名单 | yi|lang|zong|tong|xiang|yi|hui|ti|jiao|xin|nei|ge|cheng|yuan|ming|dan | Iranian president submits list of new cabinet members to parliament | Iranian| |president| |submits| |list| |of| |new| |cabinet| |members| |to| |parliament| | True | 中性 | 伊朗总统|议会|新内阁成员名单 |
德约科维奇晋级男单八强 张帅晋级女双八强 | 体育 | 德约|科维奇|晋级|男单|八强| | |张帅|晋级|女双|八强 | de|yue|ke|wei|qi|jin|ji|nan|dan|ba|qiang| |zhang|shuai|jin|ji|nv|shuang|ba|qiang | Djokovic advances to men's singles quarter-finals Zhang Shuai advances to women's doubles quarter-finals | Djokovic| |advances| |to| |men|'|s| |singles| |quarter|-|finals| |Zhang| |Shuai| |advances| |to| |women|'|s| |doubles| |quarter|-|finals| | True | 积极 | 德约科维奇|晋级|男单八强|张帅|女双八强|体育新闻 |
王长浩刷新 男子50米蝶泳全国纪录 | 体育 | 王长|浩|刷新| |男子|50|米|蝶泳|全国纪录 | wang|zhang|hao|shua|xin| |nan|zi|50|mi|die|yong|quan|guo|ji|lu | Wang Changhao breaks national record in men's 50m butterfly | Wang| |Changhao| |breaks| |national| |record| |in| |men|'|s| |50m| |butterfly| | True | 积极 | 王长浩|男子50米蝶泳|全国纪录|刷新 |
“鼓”动短视频,山西“00后”小伙握起“非遗”接力棒 | 社会 | “|鼓|”|动短|视频|,|山西|“|00|后|”|小伙|握起|“|非遗|”|接力棒 | “|gu|”|dong|duan|shi|pin|,|shan|xi|“00|hou|”|xiao|huo|wo|qi|“|fei|yi|”|jie|li|bang | "Drum" moves short video, Shanxi "post-00" guy holds the "intangible cultural heritage" baton | "|Drum|"| |moves| |short| |video|,| |Shanxi| |"|post|-|00|"| |guy| |holds| |the| |"|intangible| |cultural| |heritage|"| |baton| | True | 积极 | 短视频|山西|00后|非遗|接力棒 |
土耳其一非法移民船在爱琴海海域沉没 8人死亡 | 国际 | 土耳其|一|非法|移民|船|在|爱琴海|海域|沉没| |8|人|死亡 | tu|er|qi|yi|fei|fa|yi|min|chuan|zai|ai|qin|hai|hai|yu|chen|mo| 8|ren|si|wang | Turkish illegal immigrant boat sinks in Aegean Sea, 8 dead | Turkish| |illegal| |immigrant| |boat| |sinks| |in| |Aegean| |Sea|,| |8| |dead| | True | 消极 | 非法移民船|爱琴海|沉没|死亡 |
拍摄视频后恶意加工 男子因造谣被行政拘留 | 社会 | 拍摄|视频|后|恶意|加工| |男子|因|造谣|被|行政拘留 | pai|she|shi|pin|hou|e|yi|jia|gong| |nan|zi|yin|zao|yao|bei|xing|zheng|ju|liu | Malicious processing man detained for spreading rumors after filming video | Malicious| |processing| |man| |detained| |for| |spreading| |rumors| |after| |filming| |video| | True | 消极 | 社会新闻|恶意加工|造谣|行政拘留 |
五部门发文推动电动自行车以旧换新 | 国内 | 五|部门|发文|推动|电动|自行车|以旧换新 | wu|bu|men|fa|wen|tui|dong|dian|dong|zi|xing|che|yi|jiu|huan|xin | Five departments issued a document to promote the trade-in of electric bicycles | Five| |departments| |issued| |a| |document| |to| |promote| |the| |trade|-|in| |of| |electric| |bicycles| | True | 积极 | 电动自行车|以旧换新|五部门|推动 |
CBA:常规赛最有价值球员候选人需至少出战28场 | 体育 | CBA|:|常规赛|最有|价值|球员|候选人|需|至少|出战|28|场 | CBA:|chang|gui|sai|zui|you|jia|zhi|qiu|yuan|hou|xuan|ren|xu|zhi|shao|chu|zhan|28|chang | CBA: Regular-season MVP candidates need to play at least 28 games | CBA|:| |Regular|-|season| |MVP| |candidates| |need| |to| |play| |at| |least| |28| |games| | False | 中性 | CBA|常规赛|最有价值球员候选人|出战28场 |
以色列罕见承认空袭叙利亚 | 国际 | 以色列|罕见|承认|空袭|叙利亚 | yi|se|lie|han|jian|cheng|ren|kong|xi|xu|li|ya | Israel rarely admits airstrike on Syria | Israel| |rarely| |admits| |airstrike| |on| |Syria| | True | 消极 | 以色列|空袭|叙利亚 |
从“炫技”到“服务”,国产人形机器人“抢滩”未来产业赛道 | 国内 | 从|“|炫技|”|到|“|服务|”|,|国产|人形|机器人|“|抢滩|”|未来|产业|赛道 | cong|“|xuan|ji|”|dao|“|fu|wu|”,|guo|chan|ren|xing|ji|qi|ren|“|qiang|tan|”|wei|lai|chan|ye|sai|dao | From "show skills" to "service", domestic humanoid robots "grab the beach" in the future industrial track | From| |"|show| |skills|"| |to| |"|service|"|,| |domestic| |humanoid| |robots| |"|grab| |the| |beach|"| |in| |the| |future| |industrial| |track| | True | 积极 | 国产人形机器人|炫技|服务|未来产业赛道|抢滩 |
玻利维亚前总统莫拉莱斯座驾遭枪击 | 国际 | 玻利维亚|前|总统|莫拉莱|斯座|驾|遭|枪击 | bo|li|wei|ya|qian|zong|tong|mo|la|lai|si|zuo|jia|zao|qiang|ji | Former Bolivian President Morales was shot in his car | Former| |Bolivian| |President| |Morales| |was| |shot| |in| |his| |car| | True | 消极 | 玻利维亚|前总统|莫拉莱斯|座驾|遭枪击 |
残疾人学驾照,以后更加方便了 | 社会 | 残疾人|学|驾照|,|以后|更加|方便|了 | can|ji|ren|xue|jia|zhao|,|yi|hou|geng|jia|fang|bian|le | Learning a driver's license for the disabled will be more convenient in the future | Learning| |a| |driver|'|s| |license| |for| |the| |disabled| |will| |be| |more| |convenient| |in| |the| |future| | True | 积极 | 残疾人|学驾照|方便 |
寒露时节好“丰”景!全国秋粮收获进入高峰期 进度过四成 | 国内 | 寒露|时节|好|“|丰|”|景|!|全国|秋粮|收获|进入|高峰期| |进度|过|四成 | han|lu|shi|jie|hao|“|feng|”|jing|!|quan|guo|qiu|liang|shou|huo|jin|ru|gao|feng|qi| |jin|du|guo|si|cheng | In the cold dew season, it is a "rich" scene! The national autumn grain harvest has entered the peak period and the progress has exceeded 40% | In| |the| |cold| |dew| |season|,| |it| |is| |a| |"|rich|"| |scene|!| |The| |national| |autumn| |grain| |harvest| |has| |entered| |the| |peak| |period| |and| |the| |progress| |has| |exceeded| |40%| | True | 积极 | 寒露时节|丰景|秋粮收获|高峰期|进度过四成 |
韩媒:韩政府通过涉深度伪造淫秽影像法修正案 | 国际 | 韩媒|:|韩政府|通过|涉|深度|伪造|淫秽|影像|法|修正案 | han|mei|:|han|zheng|fu|tong|guo|she|shen|du|wei|zao|yin|hui|ying|xiang|fa|xiu|zheng|an | Korean media: South Korean government approves amendment to law involving deep forgery of obscene images | Korean| |media|:| |South| |Korean| |government| |approves| |amendment| |to| |law| |involving| |deep| |forgery| |of| |obscene| |images| | True | 中性 | 韩国政府|深度伪造淫秽影像法修正案|法律修正 |
欧委会新一届“内阁”提名有何特点 | 国际 | 欧委会|新一届|“|内阁|”|提名|有何|特点 | ou|wei|hui|xin|yi|jie|“|nei|ge|”|ti|ming|you|he|te|dian | What are the characteristics of the nomination of the new "cabinet" of the European Commission | What| |are| |the| |characteristics| |of| |the| |nomination| |of| |the| |new| |"|cabinet|"| |of| |the| |European| |Commission| | True | 积极 | 欧委会|新一届|内阁|提名|特点 |
中国乒乓球队启程 刘国梁回应热点关切 | 体育 | 中国乒乓球队|启程| |刘国梁|回应|热点|关切 | zhong|guo|ping|pang|qiu|dui|qi|cheng| |liu|guo|liang|hui|ying|re|dian|guan|qie | Chinese table tennis team set off Liu Guoliang responds to hot concerns | Chinese| |table| |tennis| |team| |set| |off| |Liu| |Guoliang| |responds| |to| |hot| |concerns| | True | 积极 | 中国乒乓球队|启程|刘国梁|热点关切 |
我国科学家实现“永久化学品”的低温高效降解 | 国内 | 我国|科学家|实现|“|永久|化学品|”|的|低温|高效|降解 | wo|guo|ke|xue|jia|shi|xian|“|yong|jiu|hua|xue|pin|”|de|di|wen|gao|xiao|jiang|jie | Chinese scientists realize low-temperature and high-efficiency degradation of "permanent chemicals" | Chinese| |scientists| |realize| |low|-|temperature| |and| |high|-|efficiency| |degradation| |of| |"|permanent| |chemicals|"| | True | 积极 | 永久化学品|低温高效降解|科学家|科研突破 |
马斯克:“星舰”将在4周内再次试飞 | 国际 | 马斯克|:|“|星舰|”|将|在|4|周内|再次|试飞 | ma|si|ke|:“|xing|jian|”|jiang|zai|4|zhou|nei|zai|ci|shi|fei | Musk: "Starship" will test flight again in 4 weeks | Musk|:| |"|Starship|"| |will| |test| |flight| |again| |in| |4| |weeks| | True | 积极 | 马斯克|星舰|试飞 |
国米客场2:0力克AC米兰 | 体育 | 国米|客场|2|:|0|力克|AC|米兰 | guo|mi|ke|chang|2:0|li|ke|AC|mi|lan | Inter Milan beat AC Milan 2-0 | Inter| |Milan| |beat| |AC| |Milan| |2|-|0| | True | 积极 | 国米|AC米兰|客场|2:0|力克 |
全国春季游泳锦标赛 覃海洋、李冰洁夺冠 | 体育 | 全国|春季|游泳|锦标赛| |覃|海洋|、|李冰|洁|夺冠 | quan|guo|chun|ji|you|yong|jin|biao|sai| |tan|hai|yang|、|li|bing|jie|duo|guan | Qin Haiyang and Li Bingjie win the National Spring Swimming Championships | Qin| |Haiyang| |and| |Li| |Bingjie| |win| |the| |National| |Spring| |Swimming| |Championships| | True | 积极 | 全国春季游泳锦标赛|覃海洋|李冰洁|夺冠 |
最高检加强和改进检察管理 取消检察业务不必要不恰当不合理考核 | 国内 | 最高检|加强|和|改进|检察|管理| |取消|检察业务|不必要|不|恰当|不合理|考核 | zui|gao|jian|jia|qiang|he|gai|jin|jian|cha|guan|li| |qu|xiao|jian|cha|ye|wu|bu|bi|yao|bu|qia|dang|bu|he|li|kao|he | The Supreme People's Procuratorate strengthens and improves procuratorial management and cancels procuratorial business. Unnecessary, inappropriate and unreasonable assessment | The| |Supreme| |People|'|s| |Procuratorate| |strengthens| |and| |improves| |procuratorial| |management| |and| |cancels| |procuratorial| |business|.| |Unnecessary|,| |inappropriate| |and| |unreasonable| |assessment| | True | 积极 | 最高检|检察管理|取消考核|改进 |
英格兰7号破门后热舞原是献给脑瘫小球迷 | 体育 | 英格兰|7|号|破门|后|热舞|原|是|献给|脑瘫|小球迷 | ying|ge|lan|7|hao|po|men|hou|re|wu|yuan|shi|xian|gei|nao|tan|xiao|qiu|mi | England's No. 7 dance after the goal was originally dedicated to young fans with cerebral palsy | England|'|s| |No|.| |7| |dance| |after| |the| |goal| |was| |originally| |dedicated| |to| |young| |fans| |with| |cerebral| |palsy| | True | 积极 | 英格兰7号|破门|热舞|脑瘫小球迷|正能量 |
王楚钦男单第三创生涯新高 | 体育 | 王楚|钦|男单|第三|创|生涯|新高 | wang|chu|qin|nan|dan|di|san|chuang|sheng|ya|xin|gao | Wang Chuqin's men's singles third career high | Wang| |Chuqin|'|s| |men|'|s| |singles| |third| |career| |high| | True | 积极 | 王楚钦|男单|第三|生涯新高 |
江苏连云港:秋季扒盐忙 | 国内 | 江苏|连云港|:|秋季|扒|盐|忙 | jiang|su|lian|yun|gang|:|qiu|ji|ba|yan|mang | Lianyungang Port, Jiangsu: busy picking salt in autumn | Lianyungang| |Port|,| |Jiangsu|:| |busy| |picking| |salt| |in| |autumn| | False | 中性 | 江苏连云港|秋季|扒盐 |
全国首条自贸区中欧班列9年累计开行1335列 | 国内 | 全国|首条|自贸区|中欧|班列|9|年|累计|开行|1335|列 | quan|guo|shou|tiao|zi|mao|qu|zhong|ou|ban|lie|9|nian|lei|ji|kai|xing|1335|lie | The country's first free trade zone China-Europe train has opened 1,335 trains in 9 years | The| |country|'|s| |first| |free| |trade| |zone| |China|-|Europe| |train| |has| |opened| |1|,|335| |trains| |in| |9| |years| | True | 积极 | 自贸区|中欧班列|开行|累计|1335列 |
汉服产业新春趋热 马面裙海外“圈粉” | 社会 | 汉服|产业|新春|趋热| |马面|裙|海外|“|圈粉|” | han|fu|chan|ye|xin|chun|qu|re| |ma|mian|qun|hai|wai|“|quan|fen|” | Hanfu industry tends to be hot in the new year, and overseas "circle fans" of horse face skirts | Hanfu| |industry| |tends| |to| |be| |hot| |in| |the| |new| |year|,| |and| |overseas| |"|circle| |fans|"| |of| |horse| |face| |skirts| | True | 积极 | 汉服产业|新春趋热|马面裙|海外圈粉 |
海关总署回应前三季度外贸运行热点 | 国内 | 海关总署|回应|前|三季度|外贸|运行|热点 | hai|guan|zong|shu|hui|ying|qian|san|ji|du|wai|mao|yun|xing|re|dian | The General Administration of Customs responds to the hot spots of foreign trade operations in the first three quarters | The| |General| |Administration| |of| |Customs| |responds| |to| |the| |hot| |spots| |of| |foreign| |trade| |operations| |in| |the| |first| |three| |quarters| | True | 中性 | 海关总署|前三季度|外贸运行|热点 |
港股5月开局再上18000点 创今年新高 | 社会 | 港股|5|月|开局|再|上|18000|点| |创|今年|新高 | gang|gu|5|yue|kai|ju|zai|shang|18000|dian| |chuang|jin|nian|xin|gao | Hong Kong stocks hit a new high this year at 18,000 points at the start of May | Hong| |Kong| |stocks| |hit| |a| |new| |high| |this| |year| |at| |18|,|000| |points| |at| |the| |start| |of| |May| | True | 积极 | 港股|5月|18000点|新高 |
公益诉讼护航 农村“流动包桌”放心吃 | 社会 | 公益|诉讼|护航| |农村|“|流动|包桌|”|放心|吃 | gong|yi|su|song|hu|hang| |nong|cun|“|liu|dong|bao|zhuo|”|fang|xin|chi | Public interest litigation escorts rural "mobile tables" to eat with confidence | Public| |interest| |litigation| |escorts| |rural| |"|mobile| |tables|"| |to| |eat| |with| |confidence| | True | 积极 | 公益诉讼|农村|流动包桌|放心吃 |
多方推动新一轮加沙停火谈判 仍面临不确定性 | 国际 | 多方|推动|新一轮|加沙|停火|谈判| |仍|面临|不确定性 | duo|fang|tui|dong|xin|yi|lun|jia|sha|ting|huo|tan|pan| |reng|mian|lin|bu|que|ding|xing | Multi-party push for new round of Gaza ceasefire talks still faces uncertainty | Multi|-|party| |push| |for| |new| |round| |of| |Gaza| |ceasefire| |talks| |still| |faces| |uncertainty| | True | 积极 | 加沙停火谈判|国际新闻|停火|不确定性 |
驾驶证暂扣期间再酒驾,严惩! | 社会 | 驾驶证|暂扣|期间|再|酒|驾|,|严惩|! | jia|shi|zheng|zan|kou|qi|jian|zai|jiu|jia|,|yan|cheng|! | Drunk driving during the temporary detention of the driver's license will be severely punished! | Drunk| |driving| |during| |the| |temporary| |detention| |of| |the| |driver|'|s| |license| |will| |be| |severely| |punished|!| | True | 消极 | 驾驶证暂扣|酒驾|严惩 |
日本福冈县发生船只爆炸事件 已致7人受伤 | 国际 | 日本|福冈|县|发生|船只|爆炸事件| |已致|7|人|受伤 | ri|ben|fu|gang|xian|fa|sheng|chuan|zhi|bao|zha|shi|jian| |yi|zhi|7|ren|shou|shang | 7 injured in boat explosion in Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan | 7| |injured| |in| |boat| |explosion| |in| |Fukuoka| |Prefecture|,| |Japan| | True | 消极 | 日本|福冈县|船只|爆炸|事件|受伤 |
太“卷”了!汽车价格战硝烟仍在蔓延 | 社会 | 太|“|卷|”|了|!|汽车|价格战|硝烟|仍|在|蔓延 | tai|“|juan|”|le|!|qi|che|jia|ge|zhan|xiao|yan|reng|zai|man|yan | Too "curly"! The smoke of the car price war is still spreading | Too| |"|curly|"|!| |The| |smoke| |of| |the| |car| |price| |war| |is| |still| |spreading| | True | 消极 | 汽车价格战|价格战硝烟|蔓延|太卷了 |
国家疾控局:儿童支原体肺炎这样防治效果好 | 国内 | 国家|疾控局|:|儿童|支原体|肺炎|这样|防治效果|好 | guo|jia|ji|kong|ju|:|er|tong|zhi|yuan|ti|fei|yan|zhe|yang|fang|zhi|xiao|guo|hao | National CDC: Mycoplasma pneumonia in children is effective in prevention and treatment | National| |CDC|:| |Mycoplasma| |pneumonia| |in| |children| |is| |effective| |in| |prevention| |and| |treatment| | True | 积极 | 国家疾控局|儿童支原体肺炎|防治|效果 |
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